Adding Security to Your Copier

Protecting those who work in your office should be a top priority. While we all know the importance of cyber security, not everyone knows how to protect themselves fully. This is partly because not everyone knows where their weakness is. Well, Salt Lake City Copier wants to help you know what you need to about adding security to your copier.

You are a smart business person if you are considering adding security to your copier. Network security is not enough to stop someone who gets into your copier.

There is a hard drive inside most copiers on the market. This hard drive has a variety of functions. One function includes making a copy of every document send through the copier. This means that any piece of personal information that goes through your copier could be stolen.

It may not immediately be obvious what the implications of this could be. Most people are not aware of the sensitive information that may be on seemingly harmless documents.

  • Person addresses
  • Names and occupation of family members
  • Bank account numbers
  • Business plans

All of these things and more can be taken if you do not add security to your copier. If you add a security kit then you do not have to worry about this attack happening to you.

A security kit is something that protects the hard drive in your copier. It would delete the copies that it makes every time you send a copier though. This stops people from seeing what might be inside.

If you are thinking of adding security to your copier then please call us today. Salt Lake City Copier can make your office safe again!