Stop Overspending on Prints 

The price you are paying for your copier isn’t always easy to understand. There are times when you want to sign a lease with a great looking copier lease price, but other fees make the contract unreasonable. One of the most common areas that people get ripped off is in the arena of their print count. If you want to stop overspending on prints then you need to know the insider tips to make smarter decisions.

Prints are one of the most common areas that people overspend. They get convinced by their copier leasing company that having more prints is always a better option. This is not the case.

A copier leasing company is always going to want you to get more prints than you need. Unused prints do not roll over to the following month, so anything that you don’t use is just money in their pocket. They may tell you that you will get a discount by buying a little more, but the deal still won’t be worth it.

  • You calculate your monthly output and decide that you need 25,000 prints.
  • The salesperson might suggest that you buy 30,000 prints, just in case. They offer to knock the price down from $.015 per print to $.014 per print.
  • It may sound like a good deal because you are paying less per print but you are still paying more.

25,000 prints x $.015 per print = $375 per month

30,000 prints x $.014 per print = $420 per month

Copier salespeople aren’t always there to rip you off, but if your agent keeps pushing you to buy more than you think you need then you may want to be careful.

Stop overspending on prints and spend the money on things you business actually needs. Don’t get tricked by those untrustworthy salespeople, work with our staff at Salt Lake City Copier.